Supabase vs Firebase: Which is Best for Your Project?

Supabase vs Firebase: Which is Best for Your Project?

Marco Araya Jiménez
Published on:
September 16, 2024


At Flywheel, we’re always assessing tools and platforms to ensure our projects deliver top-tier performance and user experience. Among the leading Backend-as-a-Service (BaaS) platforms, Supabase and Firebase are two we frequently evaluate. While both offer powerful features, the right choice depends on the specific needs of your project. In this article, we’ll compare the two platforms, highlighting their strengths and weaknesses, and explain how Flywheel leverages each in our development workflow.

What are Supabase and Firebase?


Supabase is an open-source alternative to Firebase, built on PostgreSQL. It offers real-time databases, authentication, and storage. A key advantage of Supabase is the control it gives developers, with options for self-hosting and customization. It’s ideal for those who prefer working with SQL databases and require a flexible backend that scales with their needs.


Firebase, developed by Google, provides an extensive suite of tools for app development. Its offerings include a NoSQL database (Firestore), real-time database, authentication, and analytics. Firebase stands out for its seamless integration with Google services, making it a popular choice for developers looking to quickly build and scale applications with minimal setup.

Supabase vs Firebase: A Feature Comparison

Database Architecture

Supabase is ideal for handling complex queries and managing relational data. It’s a great fit for teams already familiar with SQL, offering flexibility and control over data management. On the other hand, Firebase uses a NoSQL architecture that’s more flexible and scalable but requires an understanding of NoSQL design patterns.

Real-time Capabilities

Supabase provides real-time updates using PostgreSQL’s logical replication, but it requires some configuration to get up and running. In contrast, Firebase offers instantaneous data syncing across clients, making it perfect for building real-time applications right out of the box.

Authentication and Security

Supabase supports email/password, magic links, and OAuth providers. It also features role-based access controls and row-level security, giving developers granular control over user access. Firebase, on the other hand, offers a broader range of sign-in methods and integrates deeply with Google Cloud's security features.

Ecosystem and Integrations

When it comes to integrations, Supabase allows connections with various third-party tools and services and is easier to self-host, but it offers fewer built-in services compared to Firebase. Firebase, being part of the Google ecosystem, integrates seamlessly with Google Cloud services and provides powerful built-in tools for analytics and machine learning.


Supabase offers a free tier with basic resources, but costs can increase as your database size and usage grow. Firebase also has a generous free tier, but costs may rise quickly with heavy usage, especially for Firestore and cloud storage.

Use Cases: When to Choose Supabase vs Firebase

Supabase: Best for Data-Driven Applications with Complex Relationships

Supabase is ideal for projects with intricate data models and relationships. For example, an e-commerce platform managing products, orders, customers, and reviews would benefit from Supabase’s SQL-based architecture. You can define complex relationships, such as tracking “total sales by category” or offering product recommendations based on order history, using tools like foreign keys and joins.

Firebase: Best for Mobile Apps Needing Google Integrations

If you’re building a mobile app that needs integration with Google services, Firebase is a great option. For example, an event management app using Google Maps for venues, Google Analytics for user behavior tracking, and Firebase’s push notifications for event reminders can be built easily on Firebase. The seamless integration with Google services means faster development without needing separate backend management.

How Flywheel Uses Supabase and Firebase

Firebase in Settlement Swipe

Settlement Swipe is a mobile app that lets users engage with investigations through a swipe-based interface. Initially, users can explore the app anonymously, and only later register for a full account without losing their data.

Why Firebase Was the Best Fit:

  • Anonymous User Authentication: Firebase’s anonymous authentication allowed users to browse and save items before deciding to register, and seamlessly transfer their data upon account creation.
  • Push Notifications: Firebase enabled targeted push notifications, which kept users informed about new investigations or updates to those they had saved, driving user engagement.
  • Integration with Google APIs: Firebase’s integration with location-based APIs allowed users to automatically populate personal data, such as addresses, by simply tapping a button.
  • FlutterFlow Support: Since the app was developed using FlutterFlow, Firebase’s native support simplified the implementation of real-time updates, user authentication, and notifications, speeding up development and enhancing the user experience.

Supabase in Vouch

Vouch is a web app that streamlines HR and recruitment processes. It manages users, job postings, applications, and recruiter interactions, all of which involve complex data relationships. Supabase’s PostgreSQL backend made it the perfect choice for this project.

Why Supabase Was the Best Fit:

  • Complex Database Relationships: Vouch needed to manage multiple interconnected entities like job postings, user profiles, and application statuses. Supabase’s relational database allowed us to create efficient, queryable relationships between these entities.
  • Relational Data Management: Recruiters needed to pull specific data, like job applications for a user or candidates who matched particular criteria. Supabase’s SQL capabilities enabled these complex queries with precision.
  • Scalability & Flexibility: As the platform grows, so does the volume of data. Supabase’s PostgreSQL architecture supports this growth while maintaining performance. Its open-source nature also allows us to customize and extend the backend to meet evolving needs.


Both Supabase and Firebase offer excellent features, but the right choice depends on the specific requirements of your project. For data-driven applications with complex relationships, Supabase’s SQL capabilities provide more control and flexibility. For mobile apps that require real-time data syncing and Google integrations, Firebase shines with its ease of use and seamless integration.

At Flywheel, we leverage both platforms depending on the project, ensuring that our solutions are optimized for performance, scalability, and user experience.

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